Sunday, September 16, 2012

That of Homeostasis

     Simply put, homeostasis is balance. This is the definition that was given to me before a swift turn of the head and the continuation of clacking on their own keyboard. Okay, so I get that it is a balance within the body, but there are expansive amounts of ways to define balance within the human body.

    When some form of balance is interrupted in your body, homeostasis activates to fix the problem. For instance: when you run, you get overheated. So sweat is produced to cool down your skin. It's a process that isn't turned on or controlled by you, much like blinking.  Your body has receptors which detect a change that will effect your body, in this case the receptors are feeling the heat from the sun and movement of muscles. These receptors go to a control center in the body that will decide the problem and how major the solution needs to be. In this situation, the amount of sweat is produced from the intensity of the heat. An effector is the thing that fixes the problem, in our situation it is the sweat.

Run forever... The Hair Police are after you man.

     In short contrast, when your body is cold, you get goosebumps, which raise hairs and warm you. Your body will start to retain heat and send it to your core. Also, when you don't eat regularly, homeostasis assumes that you are stranded and starving and you need his help to survive! So, homeostasis stores any and all fuel that does eventually come into your body. So much for dieting.

You and me both bro...

     Aside from the physical effectors we can see and feel, there are internal effects of homeostasis. Negative feedback is what causes the change to happen, as is the case with blood glucose levels. If your body is running out of fuel it will start to break down and effect various organs, thankfully beginning with the fat. Your body uses the fat as fuel when it has nothing else to go on. Though with too much negative feedback, your body will get sad and yes, take down your organs, and once your kidneys go- it's a fast track to Deadville, my friend.
     In summary, your body has an amazing organization that keeps your body going no matter what obstacles occur. Homeostasis watches out for you when any imbalance occurs.... Homeostasis is my homeboy.

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