Wednesday, December 19, 2012

That of a Bone Competition

     We had an exciting quiz recently in which we showed off our ability to work as a team and label the bones of the body. It was SKELE-XCELLENT.

Factual skeleton capabilities. Beware, dawg.

     Together we were able to label 97 bones on the entire body, but I personally had the hand and arm areas to label. These are going to be explained thusly!

Phalanges- of the proximal, middle and distal variety
Metacarpals- they make up the palm and back of the hand basically
Carpals- all the tiny itty bitty bones in your wrist! Each with it's own name! Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum,               Pisiform, Trapezoid, Trapizium, Capitate and Hamate!
Radius- the forearm bone that moves
Ulna- The forearm bone that does not.
Humerus- The great big bone in the arm that connects to your shoulder socket.
Scapula- basically your shoulderblade. A little saucer on your back :)
Clavicle- commonly known as the collarbone and a french model's best and most protruding feature.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

That of Muscle Anatomy (feat. Stephenoso )

     This assignment was shared with Sir Stephen Mathews. The point of this assignment was to explain the anatomy and composition of a muscle and it's structure. This was done through a handy powerpoint, which can be found below.

The power point

This is how computers get after extended periods of stressful use.