Monday, May 20, 2013

That of a Cardiology Experiment (Heart Beat)

     This quarter, I had the joy of working with a group consisting of Janika Grimlund, Stephen Mathews, Ashley Hernandez, Jocelyn Castaneda, and Shelby Adler under the supervision of Mr. Chris Ludwig. The anatomy class was split into groups to work on experiments relating to cardiology. One group measured changes and effects of lighting and scary movies in relation to heart rate. Another fabulous group took an EKG of several test subjects whilst playing an indie horror game. 
     The common ground my group shared was a love of music. We thought that tying in science and cardiology to our mutual love of music would make this project more enjoyable! We decided that something must happen within the body while you listen to different types of music, especially if you like or dislike it. Alas, we are at a lack of brain scanners! Instead we used blood pressure monitors and hand grip-y monitor things that showed heart rate or electric activity over a course of time and graphs it. With each genres of music we were able to graph the blood pressure changes and end results and put them on our lovely and glittery poster! The name of our experiment was always destined to be the clever play on words that is "Heart Beat!" The abstract, problem, Hypothesis, procedure and conclusion can be found below- followed by all the graphs that we were able to cook up!

As you might not be able to read this, our basic conclusion was that music does actually effect your heart rate, whether it be related to your feelings toward the song or the hearts attempt to match the tempo.

Rap Music
Country Music


Rock Music
Oldies Music
Children's Music
Hymnal Music

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